Music - my relaxation

Music was always my first love, having started to play the piano at the age of six. I had wanted to become a professional musician in my early years but was given some great advice which I appreciate to this day. My music teacher told me that to make it as a professional musician, you either had to be an extraordinary performer or turn to teaching. However if I were to keep music as a wonderful hobby, and not rely on it to make a living, I would gain enormous satisfaction.
So I have done just that. Making music is my way of relaxing and a way to express myself emotionally. While I was classically trained on piano, latterly I have branched into other areas including jazz. I also play the organ and sang bass with the Kitchener Philharmonic Choir when I lived in Canada. I led the Kohler Choir for their traditional Christmas Carol celebration for nine years.
Although music has remained a hobby, I have also used it semi-professionally as a choir director, organist, accompanist and when I ran a multimedia production company with my wife, Virginia. I composed, arranged and recorded all of the music for the virtual tours and had a blast doing them!
So I have done just that. Making music is my way of relaxing and a way to express myself emotionally. While I was classically trained on piano, latterly I have branched into other areas including jazz. I also play the organ and sang bass with the Kitchener Philharmonic Choir when I lived in Canada. I led the Kohler Choir for their traditional Christmas Carol celebration for nine years.
Although music has remained a hobby, I have also used it semi-professionally as a choir director, organist, accompanist and when I ran a multimedia production company with my wife, Virginia. I composed, arranged and recorded all of the music for the virtual tours and had a blast doing them!